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This History is only a brief introduction. In 2002, we published a 40 page history covering 1897-2002, and (God willing) will publish an updated edition of a century of life here at All Saints in 2010 (one-hundredth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone). Anyone who has facts which should be included in the 2010 edition are encouraged to bring those to my attention. – Richard W. Tingblad
“The first services of the Episcopal Church held in Whitman were conducted in several local homes by The Rev. George Alexander Strong, Rector of St. Paul’s Church of Brockton, during the Lenten season of 1897. Rev. Mr. Strong discussed the plan of holding regular services and starting a Mission (under the auspices of St. Paul’s). It was the Sunday before All Saints’ Day, 1897 [Oct. 31] that the first regular service was held in Jenkins’ Block, and the date helped in deciding the name of All Saints’ Mission.” (from a History by Mary Kalor Hutchinson, 1910) In 1905, the mission came under the direct auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. In October 1908, the first Parish Meeting voted, “to purchase for $2,000, property on the northerly side of Park Avenue from Clara M. Corthell.” This land was occupied by an old machine shop.
August 31, 1910 – The Cornerstone was laid by Bishop Lawrence, in an impressive service. The stone is engraved with a cross and 1910. December 30, 1910 – The Church building was completed, and a Dedicatory Service was held. Bishop Lawrence preached the sermon and confirmed 8 persons. A few years later, two stained-glass windows created by John LaFarge were added, donated by the Episcopal Theological Seminary. December 16, 1928 – It was voted to purchase the Luddy House at the corner of Washington Street and Myrtle Avenue, for a Rectory. March 13, 1953 – “Favorable vote of the Standing Committee of the Diocese on our application for admission into union with the Convention as a Parish.” May 29, 1953 – “Plans for attaching a suitable structure to the rear of the present Church” resulted in the addition of a parish hall, named for Rev. Matteson, on the East side of the Church.
January 9, 1966 – Holy Communion was celebrated only on the third Sunday at Family Service, all other Sundays being Morning Prayer. This was standard here until 1985. November 11, 1966 – A dinner was held to celebrate the burning of the Parish Hall mortgage. 1968 – The Undercroft was divided into 4 small rooms. 1983 -- The Rectory at 708 Washington Street was sold for $31,000. Proceeds of the sale were put into a fund to make mortgage loans to Rectors. 1989 – A new electronic organ was installed to replace the beloved pipe organ, deemed too expensive to repair. 1998 – A building program added a handicapped access restroom to the Parish Hall and 3 classrooms in the basement. 2000 – Annual Meeting voted to proceed with a handicap-access elevator to the Sanctuary. |
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